An analysis for providing safety in the cooking oil production process through FMECA approach

  • Authors

    • Benedictus Rahardjo Petra Christian University
    • Bernard Jiang National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
  • Coconut Cooking Oil, Criticality Priority Number, Failure Mode Effects and Criticality Analysis, Potential Failure Mode and Effect, Severity and Occurrence Classification.
  • Abstract

    This study attempts to apply Failure Mode Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA) to improve the safety of production system, especially on the production process of an oil company in Indonesia. Since food processing is a worldwide issue and the self management of a food company is more important than relying on government regulations, so the purpose of this study is to identify and analyze the criticality of potential failure mode on the production process, then take corrective actions to minimize the probability of making the same failure mode and re-analyze its criticality. This corrective actions are compared with the before improvement condition by testing the significance of the difference between before and after improvement using two sample t-test. Final result that had been measured is Criticality Priority Number (CPN), which refers to severity category and probability of making the same failure mode. Recommended actions that proposed on the part of FMECA give less CPN significantly compare with before improvement, with increment by 48.33% on coconut cooking oil case study.

  • References

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  • How to Cite

    Rahardjo, B., & Jiang, B. (2016). An analysis for providing safety in the cooking oil production process through FMECA approach. International Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 5(2), 151-156.

    Received date: 2016-02-18

    Accepted date: 2016-03-13

    Published date: 2016-05-17