Performance analysis on least absolute shrinkage selection operator, elastic net and correlation adjusted elastic net regression methods

  • Authors

    • Pascalis Kadaro Matthew Department of Mathematics,Faculty of Science,Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria,Nigeria.
    • Abubakar Yahaya Department of Mathematics,Faculty of Science,Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria,Nigeria.
  • Convex Optimization, Cross Validation, Multicollinearity, Penalized Regression.
  • Some few decades ago, penalized regression techniques for linear regression have been developed specifically to reduce the flaws inherent in the prediction accuracy of the classical ordinary least squares (OLS) regression technique. In this paper, we used a diabetes data set obtained from previous literature to compare three of these well-known techniques, namely: Least Absolute Shrinkage Selection Operator (LASSO), Elastic Net and Correlation Adjusted Elastic Net (CAEN). After thorough analysis, it was observed that CAEN generated a less complex model.

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