Effect of counseling program on early postpartum breast feeding by nursery mother

  • Authors

    • Amany Ahmed Lecturer of gynecological and obestetric nursing, Sohag university
    • Nour Elhoda M. Mohamed
    • Thorea M. Mahmmed
  • Counseling, Breast Feeding, Nursery Women, Postpartum.
  • Abstract

    Background: Breast feeding is a learnt skill. Most primipara, if encouraged, and educated can successfully breast-feed. The aim of the present study was to assess the effect of postpartum breast feeding counseling program on the awareness of correct breast feeding.

    Methods: This prospective study was conducted in, Sohag University Hospital, between March to December 2015, on 93 primiparous women who were interviewed to collect data through a questionnaire formulated by the researchers, for assessment of breast feeding knowledge (pre-test evaluation) and for administration of counseling program one hour after delivery. Those women were interviewed again 3 hours post-partum to assess knowledge (post-test evaluation) and the initiation of breast feeding after counseling program.

    Results: The mean age of women in the present study was 24.3±6.9 years. The majority of women were house wives (57%), literate (84%), and intended for ≥2years birth spacing (77%). Counseling program to primiparous women resulted in significant higher % of correct general breast feeding knowledge, knowledge about breast fed babies and breast milk, as well as knowledge regarding special situations and problems during breast feeding.

    Conclusions: Counseling breast feeding program in the early postpartum period is an effective method to encourage mother for breast feeding.

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  • How to Cite

    Ahmed, A., M. Mohamed, N. E., & M. Mahmmed, T. (2016). Effect of counseling program on early postpartum breast feeding by nursery mother. International Journal of Advanced Nursing Studies, 5(2), 117-121. https://doi.org/10.14419/ijans.v5i2.6237

    Received date: 2016-05-12

    Accepted date: 2016-06-02

    Published date: 2016-06-24